How to find the right therapist for you.
It’s important to find the right match for yourself. Start by asking these 5 Key Questions:
Do I need a male or female therapistS
Should they be of a similar age to me?
Does their experience matter?
Is humour important to me?
Do I want my therapist to inspire me?
In answer to each question:
Do I need a male or female therapist?
I am male and possess the often misunderstood skill of being able to focus on one task to the exclusion of everything else. Combining this with my excellent listening and feedback skills, I believe, based on my former clients’ opinions, that I am an effective and highly competent therapist.
Should they be of a similar age to me?
Age can be a factor, but wisdom often comes with experience. A wise older man, who once was young and made the mistakes young people make, might just be the tonic for a troubled mind.
Does their experience matter?
Experience does matter, but it should never outweigh skill or know-how. I have always had a natural gift for hypnotherapy. While my 25 years of experience have taught me a great deal, their greatest value lies in knowing whether I am the right person to help a client. If I’m not, I’ll let you know and do my best to guide you in the right direction.
Is humor important to me?
I have laughed in the face of adversity many times. Call it ‘gallows humor,’ but I believe that the ability to laugh and smile helps us face life’s challenges. I enjoy living on the lighter and brighter side of life and hope to share that with my clients.
Do I want to be inspired?
I certainly hope so. If you have truly suffered enough and are ready for change, I firmly believe I can help and inspire you. Let’s let the light in together. Why not?